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my name is Cliff Yablonski. I have never met you before, but I hate you regardless. if I met you in public, I'd still hate you. I discussion board probably wouldn't hate you any more than how much I currently hate you, because I don't think that would be humanly possible. I would probably punch you in the face though. I discussion board hate everybody and everything I find on the Internet. my site and the "Law and Order" website are the only places discussion board worth visiting. Richard convinced me to make a site dedicated to all the people I know and hate, maybe so his stupid "Something Awful" website won't suck as much. even though my site is on "Something Awful", I still hate him and his website. I hate you too. if you have a picture you would like to send in, you can send it to me, but I'll still hate you and I don't think that will ever change no matter what you do.
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