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You sound like a woman that is after whatever she can get and wants everything her peter manseau way. I agree. Mom is doing SOMETHING to cause the child's reaction. If the fits the child is having were caused by something dad had done to him, the court would never have given him shared custody. I'm a single mother myself. In fact, I went to great lengths and great expense to ensure my ex husband would never be around the children unless the issues that peter manseau made him a DANGER to the children's well-being peter manseau were FIRST addressed, so it can't be said that I am just one of the pro-dad fanatics. The child is only three. No, dad shouldn't encourage the child to call the SM mom, but if the child is doing it on his own, how can he stop it? Pusnish the child? If the child is getting so completely out of control over the visits with dad, I can understand why he doesn't use all of his court ordered time.