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Editing help is available. This article has been tagged since February 2006. In cricket, sledging is exchanging words with an opposition player which can put them off their usual game; it is an attempt to "psych out" an news opponent. It can lead to an unexpected decline news in performance and is not in the spirit of the game. It is most frequently used by wicketkeepers to batsmen at the striking end. The wicketkeper usually talks to news himself, but in a loud enough voice that the batsman can hear. Normally the wicketkeeper will talk about hypothetical bowling situations in which the batsmen is bowled. It is also common for the wicketkeeper to encourage the batsmen to attempt to slog the ball, a risky action which could lead to catches or clean bowls. Another frequently used device is to congratulate the bowler on his bowling which also is considered excellent at unnerving the batters.
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