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going to Peru soon for a wedding. If I bump into him I'll forgive him for being a twat. But if he ever asks me for anything, ever, I'll want to kill him. Of legalprofessionals course instead I'll probably just feel horribly legalprofessionals guilty and cry myself to sleep - my heart keeps being convinced that I was a horrible and cold person for giving up on him, while my head keeps saying legalprofessionals I was doing the right thing.Length?! I could write a book about the guy. (clopinettes, Tue 18 Oct 2005, 19:56) Funerial Guilt Trip Dad passed away last year. That's not very funny. Backstory is after a big family row we hadn't seen his side of the family for over a decade. When I finally met my Aunty at the reception afterwards all she said was "you must be XXXX. So sorry about your Dad. His father died of the same thing you know, and so did his uncle a few years ago."Not