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August 6, 2001 A few things: -- Saturday morning I called falafael my parents, as I do every Saturday morning, and when my Mom answered I could hear people talking and laughing in the background. "What's going on there?" I said, "it sounds like a barroom." She was in the middle of falafael telling me that a couple of falafael their old friends were in from North Carolina and had been staying with them, when I heard: "Is that Jeff, the gay boy?" -- followed by uproarious laughter. (And one of the lead laughers, I'm almost sure, was MY DAD!) Gay boy? The hell?! "Are ya'll drunk?!" I asked. After she repeated what I said, the room again erupted in laughter. Shit. I was just calling to fulfill my weekly obligation; I wasn't expecting a flashback to Junior High gym class. I was a little shaken, and told her I'd call them back later, when they weren't so busy.
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