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Bush and only for his sake. ..." * windowdressing: the reporter’s word choice; he said he borrowed the term from the locals. mature asian nude Posted by: Tilli (Mojave Desert) on September 4, 2005 at 5:04 AM | PERMALINK Is this impeachable? Hell yes. "High crimes and misdemeanors" are pretty much whatever the House decides they are. And if this sort of dereliction of duty mature asian nude doesn't constitute a 'high crime', I wonder what would. So, a message to Dems: forget the investigation; jump straight to the impeachment resolution. Personally, mature asian nude I've moved past a desire to impeach Chimpy and Cheney; I personally think the appropriate remedy would be a mob of villagers with torches and pitchforks. Posted by: RT on September 4, 2005 at 5:36 AM | PERMALINK I believe that Drum's allegations that the food center was setup and taken down strictly for media purposes will turn out to be phony.