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These people feed on attention - don't waste mature stocking porn it on them just because they are annoying. Posted by: CapitalistImperialistPig on September 4, 2005 at 2:43 AM | PERMALINK How is it that the U.S. media did not show this? (ZDF report, German TV) Do you honestly expect that sort of thing from the milquetoast and overly deferential mature stocking porn U.S. media, particularly the broadcast media, who tremble in their boots regarding White House coverage because they fear getting in mature stocking porn hot water with the FCC. Ever note how virtually all broadcast networks -- including NPR -- always refer to the sitting president as "Mr.," when they don't use courtesy titles for anyone else? That same policy used to exist in print, but papers like the Washington Post thankfully discontinued that practice in the seventies. I've never liked it, no matter what party's president occupied the White House.