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I doubt I've made the best impression but meh, I'm poking their little angel with my stick of wonder so why should I care? (dole, Sat 21 May 2005, 1:58) Superdude... ...years ago I had a similiar episode - turns out the girl I was dating was not yet 16 and I was, well...older. We got on so well video: drama I somehow just never thought to ask her about her age. Anyways, went video: drama around her house to meet the family (very nice, though rather conservative parents)and something said made it dawn video: drama on me that she was a couple of months short of 16. Thinking on my feet I was just about to lie about my age if asked and in walks her sister, who mentions we used to be old classmates. Slight awkward pause and then conversation resumes like nothing happened. I decided that this relationship was meant to be and we have been happily married for 18 years next month.I