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 Thu, Feb 16, 2006 At 05:05 PM 1:55 pm I AM ABOUT TO DIE HERE!!!! The AC went out here at work again!!!!! Im not kidding, its freakin hot in here and they wont even open the doors or anything. The last time this happend the AC was out for over 2 weeks and we werent milf xxx supplied with fans milf xxx or anything. Of course, one side of the buildings AC milf xxx was working and guess which side the boss's office is on.... drum roll..... the working side.... They never did anything about it, and this building was built before I was born, so to no surprise the parts for the AC could not be found due to them not even being made anymore. IMAGINE THAT! The AC is so old it smells like dirt! So I wrote an annonymous email to the news station here about how we were being forced to work under those conditions, an dwouldnt you know it, it made the front
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