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Bantam Books, Inc. v. Sullivan, 372U.S., at 66 . Because the line between unconditionally guaranteed speech and speech that may be legitimately regulated is a close one, the "separation of legitimate from illegitimate mother in law fucking speech calls for . . . sensitive tools." Speiser v. Randall, mother in law fucking 357U.S., at 525 . The perils of prior restraint are well illustrated by this case, where neither the Board nor the lower courts could have known precisely the extent of nudity or simulated sex in the musical, mother in law fucking or even that either would appear, before the play was actually performed. 11   Procedural safeguards were lacking here in several respects. The board's system did not provide a procedure for prompt judicial review. Although the District Court commendably held a hearing on petitioner's motion for a preliminary injunction within a few days of the [420U.S.
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