31 Magis Feb 23rd, list of literary works hot mature movies

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31 Magis Feb 23rd, 2006 at 12:36 pm Does anyone have a hot mature movies list of the 21 rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth assholes who voted “no” on the rape and incest provision? (5 bucks says they’re all men.) Kate: That was unfair and sexist towards us penis-people. It is not only men who are tools of the Patriarchy. To wit: Here’s a quote from a certified vagina owner during the rape amendment hot mature movies debate…. Rep. Elizabeth Kraus, R-Rapid City, said that although rape and incest were horrible crimes, they result in few of the pregnancies — less than 1 percent — that are hot mature movies terminated by abortion. And even in those cases, the pregnancy and the unborn child are worth preserving, she said. “Even though it’s extremely emotional, a horrible issue — rape and incest — look at the child that is produced. And why can’t that child be carried to term?
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