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When I got home I looked it up, and that movie came out in 1977. I don't think it was exactly a blockbuster then, and I'm not aware hot mature galleries of a cult following building up around it in the years since. I sincerely don't understand. Isn't it a little late to hot mature galleries start a merchandising campaign for this movie? Never mind that the film is rated R, highly graphic, and contains the word "fuck" roughly 10,000 times. No kid in 2001 would have a clue hot mature galleries as to who the Hanson brothers are, and they shouldn't. So it's completely logical that some company would make a series of toys based on them, right? Truly bizarre. What's next, Ordinary People Gameboy cartridges? Clockwork Orange Ultra-Violence playsets? On Golden Pond plush toys? Can somebody explain this to me? -- My mother-in-law: "The Black Crowes aren't rock 'n' roll, they just play that new wave shit."