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# ck: oops: http://daringfireball.net/2003/08/good_times # lynn: The only thing you forgot to do after getting 'mother-in-law's' computer cleaned up is to make a "Norton Ghost Image" of the system. It would save you several hours of clean up time. It would also save her several trips to the coffee pot and snacks for you. :-) Happy Holidays. # Jerry Kindall: I "fixed" my mom's computer, a tangerine iMac. This consisted of choosing the proper modem script so she could xxx milf video enjoy 56K surfing speed instead of 28.8, and also xxx milf video tweaking the xxx milf video preferences in Microsoft Entourage a bit to better reflect the way she actually uses it. I also installed the proper driver for the Microsoft mouse I'd sent her, so she could use the scroll wheel and the right mouse button, and showed her how to customize the bookmarks bar in Internet Explorer.
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