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Until firstView came online, the most comprehensive image collection of runway shows was the quarterly microfiche set, Fashion Update. Includes an e-mail notification service of new collections available for viewing. Access: http://www.firstview.com/home.html. Industry information Apparel.net: The Online Guide for the Apparel Industry. This comprehensive clearinghouse of links women over 50 sex to over 2,000 apparel resources includes women over 50 sex information on trade events, organizations, statistics, and news. Access: http://www.apparel.net/. Fashion Beauty Internet Association. An Internet association women over 50 sex and virtual forum for fashion and beauty businesses such as retailers, manufacturers, and style-related journalists. Access: http://www.fbia.com/index.html. Fashion Windows: The Internet's Database on Fashion Designers, Visual Merchandising, and Mannequins. This site was created by a Dallas-based freelance visual merchandiser and is divided into four main areas: mannequins, visual merchandising, windows, and fashion designers.
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