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Fantasy Holidays Volume 1 is a universally compatible role playing produ... Fantasy Holidays, Vol. 2 (Generic Fantasy)(TFG00004)PRICE: $1.00SALE: $0.45Let Your Monsters Have A Celebration To Be Remembered (Avoided?)!!! Fantasy Holidays Volume asian women 1: Monstrous And Wicked contains fifteen different holidays suitable for most any fantasy asian women style role playing game. By using asian women a simple moon phase/season system for dates and a simplistic, common system for coinage the information provided is extremely easy to port over to most any role playing game system, if not used outright directly without conversion. From the foul echo of hissing that emits from the ceremonial temples during the Gathering Of Snakes to the unification of vampires during the Black Binding, there's more than enough monstrous and wicked settings to ponder with the fifteen different holidays presented in this book.
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