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I was a mini-pundit back in those days. For some reason, I was obsessed with politics. Maybe it was because my mother was very involved too. When Jimmy Carter was running for office, my mom wrote him a letter basically saying that if he thought that anyone would elect him into the louvin brothers White House, he was crazier than he looked. In a show of irony and sheer assholiness, she received an invitation louvin brothers to his Presidential Inauguration. But, I digress... I LOVED Ronald Reagan. For some reason he reminded me of my louvin brothers granddad who I thought was the smartest man in the world. When he died in 1984, I loved President Reagan even more. Mr. Reagan was all about dignity and even though his last days were robbed by the progression of an unfair disease, he died with his dignity intact and a wonderful legacy. Posted by Oh It's Me at 05:25 PM | Comments (3) June 13, 2004 Message to the ASSHOLE who is looking for me Don't think for ONE second that I don't know who you are and that you're searching my site several times a day.