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They use half of the world's and energy! "Throwaway-culture" - use somethingonce and throw it away (like their brains? No,can't be - they never use their brains.) US "Army" US-ASCII insteadof ISO "USA is the only country inthe world" -attitude USA is thesource of most satan worshipping in theworld!!!!!! Filthy stinking yanks neverremove their shoes indoors. They take abath but they never wash themselves properly, theySTINK. George W. Bush. Rejectionof Kyoto agreement. Let's see what you do whenNew York goes and underwater, due melting polar ice. Monitoring all tele- anddatacommunications. (Fortunately, here in Europe,we have better encryption system than and yanks.) Medieval measuring units such as inches andyards. Hey, it's the 21st century now! Everheard of science and scientific standards? Starship Troopers movie, the repulsive machomilitary US Army commercial flick. Yanksmutilate the penises of most of their male babies."For