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Serve with Michelob Ultra (bleeeech). Charles R. Kaiser said at 09:29AM, machane yehuda 05.07.2003: Don't let anti-consumer folks get you down dooce. When you machane yehuda buy a house that's the best time to spend lots of cash. In fact, it's about the only time that the bank seems willing to just THROW money at you. I wish that I had a Tivo. They don't seem to be available in Canada. It's probably the government that is keeping them out. I mean, we have to keep the CANADIAN identity machane yehuda going and growing. God forbid that we become too much like the U S of A. Canadain televison sucks. The govenment recently cut 25 million dollars out of the budget that used to go the producers of Canadian programming. People proclaimed the death of Canadian television. Hell, it the ENTIRE Canadian television industry will go down because of a loss of 25 million, then it deserves to die!