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You scared me to death! drunkteen fuck Nico, you okay? - Wait till you hear about... - Shut the fuck up! You make drunkteen fuck a nice hood ornament, Sarge. - Come on! - Gotta get this garbage out of here. You gonna lose your license driving around like that. Let's go. What do we got here? What kind of high is this? Sky-high. Military explosives. C- my man. Hey, Boss... can see your place from the office of the FBI. Ain't that something? - Your name again? drunkteen fuck - Agent Neeley, Chicago office. The arresting officer, Toscani. What does he do? - He's a tac sergeant, CPD Vice. - Hold on a minute... I'll tell you what this cop is. He's a fucking menace. He almost strangled me! Your problem is being taken care of right now. It should've been handled hours ago when my throat was in one piece! I don't know who's running this outfit here... ...but I'll tell you one thing: Somebody better get his wires straight.