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With the college drunk girl help of your family and friends... ...we bring your Christian dignity unstained... ...into the everlasting life of heaven. college drunk girl - Come on. You always make me late. - I'm the boss. You have to drive me! I'll trace the sign of the Cross upon your forehead... ...and I invite college drunk girl your parents to do the same. In the name of the Father, the Son... ...and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Look at him. He's such a good baby. That's beautiful. - I know you're the boss but... - That's right. Remember that. Hi, guys. Hey, how are you? You guys look so good! We haven't done anything. We're clean. Some of us, anyway. Well, Lieutenant, eight more days and you're gonna miss me. Parts of you, anyway. You see this cop? This one. This one here. She could bust me anytime. Look at that! Look at that! - This is the partner? - This is the partner. I got dressed up because you told me you were wearing a tux. You look fabulous. She goes to work looking like this? This girl, sometimes she comes in just lingerie.