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ryan king 09 Jan 06 This is very old news, first came out June of 2005 (http://www.schwoebel.biz/wordpress/index.php/2005/06/27/podcasting-with-wordpress/). TiaLouise 09 Jan 06 Y’know what? Seeings as Creative were making Mp3 players jennifer YEARS before Apple, and personally I think that Creative have a far superior set of products. As for the Podcast/Zencast thing… who really cares? I’m pretty sure the jennifer “Personal On Demand” definition was actually thought of AFTER the initial podcasts were named, as due to Apples flood of advertising, now all MP3 players are referred to as iPods, regardless of manufacturer… Oh, on note “Despite their slightly jennifer less beautiful aesthetic and less intuitive navigation, Creative Zen Media devices offer more functionality (and storage) for less money than Apple devices -“ The navigation software that iPods use is actually a Creative ‘baby’. That’s why there was a huge legal battle recently… which Creative won… Ray (sunshine) 10 Jan 06 Sure, if you check today, wikipedia gives full credit to Creative for the acronym.