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At least their made-up definition gives it more accurate meaning” seems really strange to me. Words interfaith marriage catch on, or they don’t. interfaith marriage Ask Google: “…of about 83,400,000 for podcast…” “…of about 118,000 for z**cast…” (don’t want to encourage them, now do we?) Trying to redefine afterwards is so obvious and desperate that it’s hilarious. If those numbers interfaith marriage get significantly closer I’ll be amazed - and saddened that there are so many annoying people out there. stu willis 09 Jan 06 Yep, and ‘to google’ comes from To ‘Go dOwnoad Organised Lists Electronically’. Robert G 09 Jan 06 It seems too late for any company to break the MP3 monopoly / mindshare away from Apple. If someone would offer an unlimited audio books service, even if it was like Rhaposdy where the books were not owned, I’d switch players! Even at $50 / month, it would be worth it.