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this arguing is going on, is the child present? If so, that may be why freeform the boy acts like that when his father wants to take him. There is a reason why and that may be it. Do you talk bad about the father to the boy? Does the boy over hear conversations that you have about his father, whether it be on the phone or in person. Generally kids don't act like that without being trained to do so, intentially or otherwise. Maybe the boy wants to call the freeform other freeform woman mommy because he is confused, he is very young and I'm sure this affects him whether you see it or not. I'm sorry but I don't always side with the mother because some women with stretch the truth to hear what they want to hear. As for the child support, yes VA does consider other children for the both of you and does deduct money from the child support for any children he may have and also gives you credit for any other children legally residing in your home(biological children).