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Know it. Live it. sadistic and irritating father-in-law 33 I dont rage understand why his father is so damn sadistic and irritating, ...before marriage i never had this opinion about him, ..but after marriage, i knew the true nature of my Fil, ..he never encourages , and always discourages and insults, i feel like shouting back rage at him, " jjust mind ur business and get lost" , he is rage not worth being a father ...because of his great parenting, his son (my husband) has grown to become a insecure person with many complex, never had he encouraged his son and has always insulted him, but nevertheless, my husband has always been devoted to his father, but sometimes i feel he is doing this out of helplessness coz his mother died and his dad is alone, his father relishes to hear if we had a argument or fight over phone, such a sadist, i feel like telling him, "JUST SHUT UP YOU SADIST, MARRIAGE DESTROYER" Sister in law 34 This girl actually had the nerve to tell me she cannot wait until I look like shit while giving birth to my son.