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PS. He doesn't want to see you again.- He's using me for sex.- He mom son sex says I'm awful in bed (seriously, how can you say this to your daughter-in-law with a straight face minutes after walking in on the two of us in the act?)- The Province told her I'm forbidden to see my daughter.- My daughter thinks of her as her mother now, and not me (she supports this mom son sex by mom son sex pointing out how daughter runs through list of names before deciding who you are - she generally calls everyone DaddyMommyGrandmaMommyDaddy*scream of frustration for not getting the right name*, even my friends...)- Husband has found a new girlfriend, and they're engaged (What? Since when? You think he'd have mentioned it...)- Husband has {insert incurable disease here} and only {insert short period of time here} left to live.It used to bother me at first, but the only thing that really angers me now is that the hubby won't tell her to butt out and mind her own business.I also wonder if she really believes all of these things...ZOMGWTFBBQ
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