answer bear, new york city, story, journal, hummous,, atheism, mad about, humor, poetry, david eggers, mama,
Do you feel that? Nice? You like that? Now you're priests gonna start feeling something warm. Very warm and wonderful. Think about it. Warm. I love it! I priests enjoy this. I really enjoy the shit out of this thing. We'll enjoy it together. You've always priests been alone. Now you'll be with me, together! I want to know who you told. I told them... make... ...the children see you... ...mutilating their mothers... ...and sometimes... do these things... the children. Did you tell anybody? Damn it, tell me now! Tell me now! Father, I have had enough of this. Father, I want you to tell me the truth. Can we kill him? If you told anyone about our plans to kill the senator... ...we cannot kill him! Nothing! Phase two. Christ! - Move it! - What are you doing? Get out of here. Jax, get the hell out of here! Nico! Jax! - Go! - I got him! Where is he? Down there! I got a bona fide emergency here. What am I supposed to do?